The Montgomery County Fair and Rodeo would not be what it is without the support of our selfless volunteers dedicating their time, talent, and treasures to help champion the youth of Montgomery County. Each year we welcome over 70,000 guests to our grounds, and as our fair continues to grow, so do the needs of our committees. With over 50 different committees, there is place for everyone to help give back to our community!


The committee will be responsible for setup and operation of the Ag Knowledge Barn during the duration of the Fair. Including assembly and tear down of the area before and after the Fair.

The function of this committee is to provide the carnival with committee security and to help the carnival run smoothly. Committee members should arrive early and stay until the Fair closes each day.

This committee is responsible for the sale, layout, and overall operation of the indoor and outdoor commercial exhibit space. Members of the committee will greet and work with all commercial exhibitors regarding their requirements, satisfaction and discipline.

This committee helps order various items that will be sold in the Country Store. Members help sign up exhibitors that will be selling their items in the Country Store. They work designated hours during the Fair in the store and check in items to keep inventory stocked. They are responsible for closing the store each day, keeping records of items sold, etc.

This committee plans and hosts our Cowboy Church on the first Sunday of the Fair.

This committee is responsible for scheduling the needed personnel to handle all admissions and entry to the Fair, Rodeo and BBQ Cookoff. Supervisors will enforce the entrance and admission rules as outlined by the Montgomery County Fair Association.

The committee will be responsible for manning the ‘Safety Area’ during fair time as well as provide first aid during other events including the Rodeo and BBQ Cook Off.

This committee promotes the history of the fair and helps in collecting any information that may be pertinent to the history of the Montgomery County Fair. It is the responsibility of this committee to keep the history exhibit (located in the Country Store) clean and watched over during the fair.

This committee is responsible for overseeing our Jr. Committee Members. This committee plans educational outings and opportunities for our young members. They are also the main point of contact for all Jr. Committee Members during their fair time volunteer hours.  

This committee is responsible for preparing, serving and delivering meals to committee members working during fair week. This committee is perfect for anyone who loves to cook and interacting with a wide variety of people. No cooking experience is required.

This committee helps promote membership to the Montgomery County Fair and Rodeo.

This committee assists the Fair Staff during the Fair and the week prior to the Fair by answering phones, answering questions, greeting the public, etc. 

This committee is responsible for taking pictures throughout the entire Fair, Rodeo and BBQ Cookoff. Those pictures are then used in advertising, etc. These pictures remain the property of the Montgomery County Fair Association.

This committee makes decisions on how many scholarships will be given yearly depending on the income of the Scholarship Trail Ride, the MCFA Chili Cookoff and the Livestock and Jr. Non-Livestock Auctions. They review the scholarship applications for accuracy of qualifications before turning them over to another entity to be evaluated. They suggest any changes that seem to be needed on the scholarship applications.

Prepare and display all signage throughout the duration of the Fair, Rodeo and Cookoff.

This committee works on projects for various Fair committees as needed for the Fair each year. This committee works a lot of hours prior to the Fair and after the Fair cleaning up.

This committee is responsible for coordinating traffic flow during the 10 days of the Fair. They may work on directly traffic if needed.

These committee members are responsible for the operation of the Horseshoe Club/Wine Garden facilities during the Fair including setup, inventory control, equipment acquisition and maintenance and enforcement of responsible alcohol management in accordance with the TABC regulations. Additionally, their duties include acting as hosts during specifically assigned official Montgomery County Fair functions.


This committee promotes the Livestock Auction sale in a manner to create overall buyer interest and participation is primary. Other responsibilities include working with prospective buyers for the grand and reserve animals, assist with Livestock Buyers Party, securing auctioneers and ring men and being available to help Fair officials and staff with the auction arena setup and actual auction.

This committee is responsible for promoting buyer interest, sending invitations to prospective buyers for Jr. Non-Livestock Buyers Party and Auction, securing Auctioneers and Ring Men, as well as decorating auction area and setting up for auction. Other responsibilities include working with prospective buyers for the grand and reserve projects, securing auctioneers and ring men and being available to help Fair officials and staff with the auction arena setup and actual auction.

This committee promotes the Replacement Heifer Auction sale in a manner to create overall buyer interest and participation. Other responsibilities include working with prospective buyers for the grand and reserve animals, securing auctioneers and ring men and being available to help Fair officials and staff with the auction arena setup and actual auction.


This committee will be responsible for set-up and tear down for the Cornhole and Washer Pitching Contests. They will need to be on-site the day of the event to help in any way possible.  This event contributes to the MCFA Scholarship fund.

This committee will be responsible for set-up and tear down for the event. They will need to be on-site the day of the event to help in any way possible. This event contributes to the MCFA Scholarship fund.

This committee will be responsible for set-up and tear down for the event. They will need to be on-site the day of the event to help in any way possible. This event contributes to the MCFA Scholarship fund.

This committee will be responsible for finding judges for this event. They will need to be on-site the day of the event to help in any way possible. This event contributes to the MCFA Scholarship fund.


This committee works in helping Livestock Exhibitors get their animals and show supplies unloaded and located in their designated areas. They help in working traffic around the barn and making sure aisles and areas of the barn are flowing in a positive manner.

This committee helps execute our Jr. Livestock Contests before and during our annual fair. Duties of committee members can vary from species to species, but may include helping with tag-ins, paper verifications, day-of-show-tasks, and more!  There are 10 different species that fall under this committee:

  • Breeding Beef
  • Filly/Gelding
  • Market Barrows
  • Market Broilers 
  • Market Goats
  • Market Lambs
  • Market Rabbits
  • Market Steers
  • Market Turkeys
  • Replacement Heifer

Interested volunteers are able to select which sub-committee(s) they would like to serve on.

This committee is responsible for preparing all the paperwork and checking in all participants for our livestock judging contest.


The Adult Show consist of the following sub-categories:

  • Judges
  • Fine Arts
  • Needlecraft
  • Handicraft
  • Home Economics
  • Photography
  • Horticulture

These committees prepare all paperwork for entries. They help publicize the show throughout the county and carry out all duties related to show including working with the Judges Chairman to obtain qualified judges.

This committee will be responsible for working hand in hand with the 4-H/FFA Exhibitors that are entered in the Ag Mechanics Jr. Show. They also will be working with the judges and committee throughout the show. Committee persons need to be in the show area most of the time.

This committee is responsible for planning and hosting our public speaking and discussion meet contest. Knowledge of public speaking and/or discussion contests are a plus but not required.

This committee is responsible for all preparations, setup and tear down related to our Ag Robotics Competition. Knowledge of robotics is a plus but not required.

Members of this committee will host the car show on the first weekend of the Fair. Car enthusiasts welcome!

This committee will seek queen candidates, organize, stage and be responsible for all activities related to the selection and presentation of the Montgomery County Fair Queen for each annual Fair. Pre and post Fair appearances by queen candidates and/or the reigning Montgomery County Fair Queen is included as a committee function.

This committee is responsible for determining the number of judges needed for each show, obtaining qualified judges and carrying out all details or paperwork for judging and assisting with the Jr. Non-Livestock Auction.

The Jr. Non-Livestock Shows consist of the following:

  • Fine Arts
  • Needlecraft
  • Handicraft 
  • Homemaking
  • Photography
  • Horticulture

This committee is responsible for planning and executing the annual Kidz Q Contest. This contest is designed to allow young chefs from elementary to high school age to show off their culinary skills. Committee members help organize judges, setup/tear down the event and assist the day of.

Members will help conduct our National Anthem Contest prior to the fair. Members will help schedule performers for each event during our fair and assist in ensuring members arrive at the correct time and location for these events.

This committee plans and executes a pet show for children eight years old and younger. This enables kids who are not old enough for the livestock division to show off their pets and become an active participant in our fair.

This committee helps host and organize the non-livestock contest portion of our Senior Citizen’s Day.


This committee are responsible for attending their division tag-ins and registrations on specified dates and helping the Division Chairman in any way possible at that time. The committees help by getting the animals checked in for the Fair and they help with their division show by working the show arena, making sure all paperwork is in order and any other help they can give the division chairman. 

This committee is responsible for verifying the paperwork of all horses that perform in our rodeos. Members on this committee play a vital role in ensuring the safety of all animals that compete on our fairgrounds.

The committee will be responsible for organizing drivers for the Grand Entry during the Rodeo. The Grand Entry team transports Fair Queens and Fair officials during the Rodeo weekend of the fair.

This committee is responsible for the organization and presentation of the Montgomery County Fair Rodeo. This includes selection of a general stock contractor through a competitive bid process and organizing the type of events and order of events for the rodeo. The committee is also responsible for hiring the support personnel such as the announcer, clowns, etc. and furnishing personnel to help with the livestock, gates and other activities that assure the smooth and orderly operation of the Rodeo.

Ranch Rodeo and the Best of Montgomery Team Roping fall under this committee. These committees both work on getting teams to enter and then finalize the paperwork the day of the show.

This committee will help plan and execute our Youth Rodeo performances on the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday of our fair. Members will assist during check-in and during the various events that contestants can compete in.


The committee will be responsible for organizing and hosting the member Appreciation Party.

This committee will be responsible for set-up and tear down for the event. They will need to be on-site the day of the event to help in anyway possible. There will be a cornhole tournament during the day of the event. This event contributes to the MCFA Scholarship fund.

This committee helps organize and promote our El Dia De La Familia Hispana on the last day of our fair!

This committee stages the Montgomery County Fair Golf Tournament each year in October. The committee is responsible for selling hole sponsors and assisting in any way possible to prepare for the tournament. The proceeds received from this event go to support our junior auctions!

The committee will be responsible for organizing and hosting the Kick-Off Party that takes places the day before the official first day of the Fair.

This committee greets the kids as they arrive on the grounds and provide information for teachers to help guide their day. They are responsible for having enough people to work this day and must have a plan that they will follow in order to maintain an organized and orderly event. The Jr. Committee helps a lot with this day and they serve as guides.

Organizing, funding and conducting the Annual Montgomery County Fair Scholarship Trail Ride is the responsibility of this committee. All excess funds over expenses generated from this activity are placed directly in the Fair’s scholarship program.

This committee helps in hosting a fun-filled day for senior individuals in Montgomery County. The 65 & Older Show also takes place during this event.

This committee is responsible for hosting a fun-filled day at the Fair for those with special needs in our community. Duties include helping with unloading/loading busses, greeting guests and assisting with any questions they may have, etc. 

Our Sunshine Show will also take place on this day. Qualifying exhibitors can enter their projects into their own Non-Livestock Show. This committee is responsible for securing qualified judges and workers for the day of the show and coordinating all details with the Officer-in-Charge pertaining to the awards presentation as well as planning refreshments for participants. Lunch is also served for the Sunshine Day attendees and committee people are needed in this area.

This committee is responsible for hosting a dance that is open to all Montgomery County Teens in grades 7th through 12th.


  • Visit the Become a Member Page and begin your application for a new or annual membership.
  • During the Membership Application Process select the Committee you are interested in joining
  • Once your application is complete, you will be added to the waitlist for the Committee of interest.
  • As the Committee expands or has openings, the committee chairman or a representative of the requested committee will contact you to discuss the opportunity.


  • In order to serve on a committee, a member must be at least 18 years of age the opening day of the Montgomery County Fair and not be enrolled in high school or receiving instruction through a home-schooled program.
  • Must be a Member in good standing with the Montgomery County Fair Association.


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